Martes, Mayo 22, 2012


God is not a trinity.The world's churches teach that God is a trinity-a concept taken directly from pagan philosophers like Plato.The only scripture that even remotely hints at the possibility of God being a trinity is I John 5:7.Here we read:For there are three that bear record in heaven,the Father,the Word,and the Holy Ghost;and these three are one.(8) And there are three that bear witness in Earth ,the Spirit,and the Water,and the blood,and these three agree in one."

In the early fourth century,the editors of the Latin Vulgate carelessly added into biblical text what previously had been nothing more than a marginal note-essentially a commentary(see principle in Duet.12:32 and Rev.22:18-19).This,of course,change the entire meaning of the passage.It is actually quite easy to prove that it is not a genuine part of God's holy word.The fact is that the words in question are missing from all of the existing Greek manuscript up to the sixteenth century!

The purely fictional words begin in the middle of verse 17 and continue into the meddle of verse 8.They are as follows;" in heaven, the father ,the Word,and the holy Ghost: and these three are one.and there are three that bear witness in earth.."

These false words were added by the inspiration of Satan.When you remove them from the word of God,1John5:7-8 properly   reads as follows:"For there are three that bear record:the spirit,and the water,and the blood,and these three agree in one."

When taken in context with verse 6,it is easy to understand that the three spoken of in both verses are the Spirit,the Water,and the Blood.It is not talking about the some third being in the Godhead at all.At this time,the Godhead consists of the Father and Jesus Christ the Son,who died for our sins and is now at the Father's right hand as our High Priest making intercession for us(Heb.4:14 -16; 7:25).

So We see that those doubtful words in John 5:7-8 are nothing more than a complete forgery,being inspired to be inserted into God's holy word by the god of this world-Satan the Devil-to try to and further deceive mankind into viewing God as a closed trinity.Satan wants to make God's called out and chosen people fall for the great lie-that God is not a family,but a closed unit that would not allow any increase into that family. 

2 komento:

  1. 1Cor.1:26(For you see your calling,brethren,that not many wise according to the flesh,not many mighty,not many noble,are called)

  2. I was in the WWCOG for quite awhile. Now, I'm just confused. I was researching online and found a post by you form 2012. What's going on with you now?1
